We are pausing

We are pausing.
Four years ago, we arrived at Water Lane as custodians of this special place. We embarked on a journey which allowed us to grow, educate and entertain.
Last Friday we made the very sad decision of letting our talented, committed and hard-working team at Water Lane go and to start the long and difficult process of winding down our current operation.
The last year has been financially challenging and after much re-writing of business plans and looking at numerous scenarios we decided that in the current climate it all felt too ambitious and therefore too risky.
We believe Water Lane will have a life going forward. As always, the garden will inspire us as to what our next steps are. We are currently preparing the ground to grow more flowers and making sure the hard work that our gardeners invested is not in vain.
Please be assured that our custodianship and our promise to look after the garden continues.
Nick and Ian